Learning Session: Workshop

Body Language: Anger Management

With: Janine Driver - Body Language Analyst

Friday, February 19th at 5:00 pm EST

Duration: 90 minutes

About This Session:

You say a lot without saying a word. And when you’re pissed, it shows.

Well-managed anger can actually be a useful emotion that can motivate you to make positive changes, but when it’s unmanaged, it can lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, gut issues, heart disease and strokes.

In this workshop, Janine, a recovering hothead, will show you how to decode the truth behind other people's anger,

and what to do when your own blood starts to boil. You'll learn how to shift your energy and your body language so what you’re feeling doesn’t show, or stand in the way of getting exactly what you want when you want it.

If you’ve never been to one of Janine's workshops, don’t miss this. If you have, you know you need to be there!